Your Relationship With Money
Always remember that money is a useful tool and that God is our source
It's nothing wrong with having things as long as
the things doesn't have you.
How Is Your Relationship With Money?
It's a good question to ask yourself. We all make or show a connection to money in life and we must know that it is impossible to not be related to money on some level in this world. As we know a relationship is a way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected or the state of being connected. We all relate or connect to money every day and it is important to understand that it's imperative to acknowledge, improve and affirm our relationship with money and work towards a better one.
Sadly some people have a bad relationship with money, meaning they know they need more money and have the wrong relationship with money (most people) and yet through conditioning, bad habits, fearful beliefs, self-destructive brainwashing, they don't receive more money but instead receive just enough to get by or else get further and further behind.
It is again imperative to acknowledge, to improve our dealings with money every year and to affirm that we all have a relationship with money which should get better and better not worse.
Whether is it healthy or not, it's still a relationship. We all must receive this and understand this.
The truth is it is impossible to live in this realm, (physical realm, earth) and not have a relationship with money. Some people when they hear the word, "money" and the word, "relationship" believe that those two words should not co-exist and should be in totally two different galaxies when addressed.
They unwisely believe that the words, "money and relationship" has nothing to do with them, people, family, friends, and they are completely wrong. Of course, this is going to the extreme nevertheless it still should be addressed for better understanding. Try raising a family without any money and we can all agree that's not possible. Or running a successful business without money. In fact if a person tried to exist without money on planet earth, that person will eventually become homeless, jobless, depending on someone else only to be placed into a system which could be founded upon righteous intentions, founded upon sound doctrine and perhaps even have everything going well for this organization however they (and no one for that matter) ultimately cannot be successful in life without some kind of money.
We have to renew our mind about many things on earth and money is one of them. One might say we must establish a healthy relationship concerning money in order to be in the position to receive more of it. If one wanted to establish a healthy relationship with another person, it would take time and energy in order to receive or qualify for a deeper relational level concerning those involved. However, how can we have a deeper relationship with money? Well, we must first know what is the purpose of money and what it is used for. We must understand that money is a useful tool, money cannot love you back as a person can, it by itself cannot be evil or good, money in and by itself can be fit and useful and create, produce good which is totally depended on the one who holds it or possesses it. Again money is a useful tool.
As stated on the home page of this website ..(near the bottom).. many people get Matthew 6:24 confused and think that God has an issue with money.
He doesn't, he (GOD) has an issue with your HEART concerning money. If God had an issue with money in general then he would have said don't have money but he didn't say that, he said you cannot serve God and money. In the Bible, we read in Matthew 6:21, for where your treasure is there your heart will be also. God is concerned about your heart more than anything.
Serving God means you are devoted, faithful to him and not money. In fact God blesses those with more increase (favor) material wealth (money) when someone is faithfully tithing, giving alms (helping out the poor in secret), giving first fruits (generously sowing and showing your appreciation to God through giving to your church at the beginning of the year) and sowing (giving an offering) into God's business (the gospel). When a person tithes, gladly give generous offerings each beginning of the year, blesses the poor in secret (not broadcasting what they have done) and sow into the work of the gospel (God's business), that truly tells God, themselves and others who they really serve.
Giving of alms (charity) is the only one we must keep secret. Alms is money or goods given to those in need as an act of charity. The word alms is used many times in the King James Version of the Bible. So when you give alms you are dispensing mercy and it should be done in secret. The other three (tithing, sowing and first fruits) we can let others know we are tithers, we are sowers and we give first fruit each year. Below are 4 wise ways to protect your money. Watch the video on the bottom of the page for more details.
Tithing (10%) of your income to the ministry of the gospel protects the other 90% of your money. The tithe is 10% of one's income (the gross, not the net). READ MORE ABOUT TITHING HERE
Sowing determines what kind of harvest you can receive based on your cheerful giving. 30 fold, 60 fold, 100 fold. Read Matthew chapter 13.
Giving alms blesses you because of your loving heart, what God sees in secret, he will reward openly and personally. The bible says he will repay. Read Matthew 6:4.
Giving of first fruits at the beginning of the year blesses you for the rest of the year.
If our heart has the right motive concerning money we can and will receive more of it.
If our thoughts about money are in fact healthy and free from toxic thoughts, deceptive fears from both sides, we'll find or create a way to have more of it. All things are possible to those who believe.
Sadly some are caught within two realms of fear. Caught between two extremes of fear to be more accurate. Fear of having too much money or fear of not having enough. Both are destructive ways of thinking and will only plague those for the rest of their lives unless they consider another thought.
We all have a choice in life and if we desire to change we must first change ourselves. Renewing the mind concerning money is something we all must do. We should never just stop learning but instead, learn something new every day if at all possible.
In the Bible we read in the book of Ecclesiastes 5:10 that, Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless. You could look at it this way, it is meaningless to love money.
One could actually turn that around from a different perspective to work for them and say whoever loves wisdom, knowledge, and instruction never has enough of it or will always be searching for more of, however, this would not be meaningless. Whoever seeks after wisdom and, knowledge and instruction will always be seeking for more. When a person does this, what they are actually saying whether they know it or not is they desire to know GOD's mind. By taking that kind of action, one could say they are adoring God's mind, loving his thoughts, desiring to know him more and more which is a wonderful way to give GOD a righteous compliment.
We should never love money but instead love God (GOD IS LOVE) and to also love his creations. Desiring to know GOD, to know his creations, to relate to GOD and to relate to his creations.
That's a healthy way to love, in fact, that is the best way to love. We must remember that money is a useful tool but it is God who is our source. We should never love money but instead, love God and love his creations. Loving money is not morally sound because money cannot in any way love you back. It's true.
Money is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. Any item or verifiable record that fulfills these functions can be considered as money. To love money is not wise or beneficial in any way from a sound point of view. Again we should love God and his creations.
Having a good relationship with money is important and one healthy thought is, "I enjoy helping others and (keyword is enjoy) exchanging goods and services for money (any item or verifiable record) so that I can continue to grow and continue to be a blessing and being able to exchange even more goods and services to help even more people."
When we think of it that way, it is not selfish at all, in fact, it's selfless.
If we were to only desire to take care of ourselves, having no goal, no vision to aid any other in the present or future when it is within our means to do, that in it's the fullest statement would be considered selfish.
If we have a goal to help others whenever we can, (meaning when it is already within your means of doing so) that is the state of being selfless. When you are of service to others and are displaying goods for monetary gain or exchange, or even giving of alms to the poor, your business will grow. Those who are honest, trustworthy and gain little by little, consistently making a difference will grow more and more.
Proverbs 13;11 says, Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. My friend, let's read the holy scriptures with clear understanding so we can grow together with sound wisdom and we know we can only do that with the help of God since it is his letter to us. In fact, his letter to us is so long one cannot read it completely in one sitting. That's how deep God's love is for you and me.
Matthew 6:24 says, No man (this mean no one) can serve (worship, adore, be faithful to) two masters, for either he will hate the one and despise the other; or else he will hold to (being devoted to) the one and despise the other. Ye (you and I) CANNOT serve (worship, adore be faithful to) God and mammon (money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord).
It's unhealthy to be devoted to money and adore money and value money more than God. Again it's a heart issue. God is all about motives. It's our heart concerning money is what he is deeply concerned about. He always has been this way and he always will be this way. He never changes. He's perfect, he was right the first time and always will be right. He's GOD. We're the ones who must change, not him.
Some have a misguided belief that money is the root of all evil, but it isn't. It's THE LOVE OF MONEY, that is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) Why? Well, it's pretty apparent, the word LOVE should not be associated with money. God is LOVE and when a person says (unwisely) they love money, they are saying money is their GOD because GOD is LOVE. Money is a useful tool and money is energy, empowerment on the material realm. Money does not have feelings like you and I and GOD has feelings. Money is not capable of being good or bad on its own but it is solely depended upon the one who holds it or possesses it. It would be better to replace the word love when speaking about money with the word enjoy instead of love.
SIDE NOTE: Gold and Silver are real money.
Also, it is important to know that every time we use the words, "I AM" we are saying GOD as well.
LOVE is who GOD is and I AM is one of GOD's names. Therefore we must not use GOD's name in vain.
Whatever you add to the words, "I AM" you become or you are in the process of becoming.
Those who say, "I am broke, I am sick" and so forth are cursing themselves and using GOD's name in vain. Many people never think of it that way but it's true. We must be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions. Whatever you think about you become and whatever we say about ourselves we draw back to us and also what we do for ourselves and others, that is what we automatically draw to back us.
We must get into the habit of changing our words, our thoughts and actions and make sure they are not taking GOD's name in vain. Start saying, I am prosperous, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am blessed and I am blessed to be a blessing, I am doing well, I am empowered to prosper and in return, I will help others to prosper, and so forth. When we pay for a bill of some kind, we must stop saying, "I spent what was due" or "that money was spent" and start saying, "I gave what was due." and "that money was given". The word, "spent" means having to been used and it is unable to be used again.
Replace the word spent with the words given or gave. God said the word "give" and it shall be "given" unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Giving reaps more giving.
Spent means it is used up and it is unable to be spent again. To spend means that's the end of a matter.
Words are powerful. If we only learn to replace the words we speak out of our mouths daily to be in line with God's will and our thoughts and actions, nothing will be impossible for us, the believer. We may not have ever looked at it that way but we need to or else we will always receive what we have been sowing, in thoughts, words, and deeds. It's that important.
It's nothing wrong or evil to have lots of money yet sadly some people think otherwise. They say they don't want lots of money. But if you were to ask them what do you use it for, they might say for themselves. Which would imply they have only selfish motives. God is the greatest giver in life. No one can out give GOD and yet we believers are encouraged to model after Jesus and Jesus modeled after GOD the father. So we should really think about our motives when it comes to money and truly asks God to give us a new way of thinking concerning money and to not to heal our old heart but in fact to give us a new heart. Money is a useful tool. Money is energy that is given as a form of payment for goods and services. In the bible, there are thousands of verses that deal with money, debt, investments, stewardship, saving, sowing, reaping and more. The only debt we should strive to have in life is to be in debt to love one another.
God is our provider and it is he who teaches us how to profit (Isaiah 48:17).
He (God) knows the best way we should and will prosper. He should know because he made us, knows us.
Some people sadly have tried to exist without any form of money only to find themselves connected to other means of income, charities, organizations, foundations or institutions that are supported by money, so we must understand that we all have a relationship with money. The purpose of this writing is to shed some light on the topic of money and help people get out of those deceptive, destructive pattern of belief which is only there to ultimately cause pain, suffering, lack which would only destroy those who, exercise, speak about and entertain those beliefs.
If you believe, focus, consistently play the part in your mind and say you will never have enough money, you would get exactly that and you will never have enough money. You will find yourself never having enough.
If you believe, focus, consistently play the part in your mind and say there is more than enough money to be made, you would be right, you will in time receive more than enough money. Your own determined will, will make it so. It's already embedded in our spirit, as you believe, it will be done to you.
If you believe, focus, consistently play the part in your mind and say I was created to solve a problem and others need my goods and service, you will create a solution that will solve a problem and in time others will find out that your goods and service are needed or even just appreciated and desire to support you.
We (humans) are just wired (or made) in such a way that what we think about constantly, we ultimately attract. We must know that we cannot exclusively believe, focus, think about and say something we desire and receive something else. Within a certain about of time, whether it is days, weeks, months, years, etc. whatever we have been putting out, must come back. It has to! Our thoughts, words, and actions are founded upon spirit laws (higher than natural laws) and these laws work 100% of the time. Our thoughts, our words, and actions are like a magnet and we receive what we truly believe or better understood, we receive what we truly expect.
Earl Nightingale was famous for many quotes such as, "We become what we think about." It's true. In the bible it says as man thinketh (believe) in his heart, so is he..which clearly states as you think, believe in your mind, will and emotions which does affect your heart, (your core self is your spirit) so you will be or so you will become or so you are becoming. We must renew our mind and maintain a healthy relationship with money in order to receive more money. We cannot just wish things to be different without first changing ourselves and being that difference.
Another healthy way to think about money is to become focused on solving a problem that will help out hundreds, or thousands or millions or even billions. When you come up with solutions that solve problems you create a means of increase, a service, which will generate an exchange which will in some way be money or a form of it. When we are in service to others, solving a problem, only then we can find fulfillment.
We must make it a goal to exchange healthy thoughts concerning money every day to ultimately someday receive more money and the reason behind it should be based on helping others, exchanging goods or a service in exchange for money (except giving alms) so that we can continue to be a blessing. We cannot receive anything in life unless we have it in our heart and mind. We truly become what we think about. How do you control your thoughts? With your words. When we speak out loud, our mind has to listen to what we have said or say. Our mind is a universe, a sponge which desires information, revelation, understanding, etc. and our mind (from a certain point of view) never has enough of it, so when we speak our mind will stop to hear what we are saying because our mind doesn't want to miss out on what is presently being said.
We can reprogram our mind by what we say every day in abundance. Our words determine our destiny.
The words that we have been speaking for some time is directly related to our lives today.
Make an effort to seek out to help others by speaking life into their life in some way. Give out what you would like in return. Make an effort also to truly find a means of solving a problem which will help out many people and you are certain (in time) to receive more money however set your focus on loving people and not loving money. Establish good habits and then our good habits will make us or establish us.
Make this your goal today and you will be on the right track for a better life.
Sadly some people have a bad relationship with money, meaning they know they need more money and have the wrong relationship with money (most people) and yet through conditioning, bad habits, fearful beliefs, self-destructive brainwashing, they don't receive more money but instead receive just enough to get by or else get further and further behind.
It is again imperative to acknowledge, to improve our dealings with money every year and to affirm that we all have a relationship with money which should get better and better not worse.
Whether is it healthy or not, it's still a relationship. We all must receive this and understand this.
The truth is it is impossible to live in this realm, (physical realm, earth) and not have a relationship with money. Some people when they hear the word, "money" and the word, "relationship" believe that those two words should not co-exist and should be in totally two different galaxies when addressed.
They unwisely believe that the words, "money and relationship" has nothing to do with them, people, family, friends, and they are completely wrong. Of course, this is going to the extreme nevertheless it still should be addressed for better understanding. Try raising a family without any money and we can all agree that's not possible. Or running a successful business without money. In fact if a person tried to exist without money on planet earth, that person will eventually become homeless, jobless, depending on someone else only to be placed into a system which could be founded upon righteous intentions, founded upon sound doctrine and perhaps even have everything going well for this organization however they (and no one for that matter) ultimately cannot be successful in life without some kind of money.
We have to renew our mind about many things on earth and money is one of them. One might say we must establish a healthy relationship concerning money in order to be in the position to receive more of it. If one wanted to establish a healthy relationship with another person, it would take time and energy in order to receive or qualify for a deeper relational level concerning those involved. However, how can we have a deeper relationship with money? Well, we must first know what is the purpose of money and what it is used for. We must understand that money is a useful tool, money cannot love you back as a person can, it by itself cannot be evil or good, money in and by itself can be fit and useful and create, produce good which is totally depended on the one who holds it or possesses it. Again money is a useful tool.
As stated on the home page of this website ..(near the bottom).. many people get Matthew 6:24 confused and think that God has an issue with money.
He doesn't, he (GOD) has an issue with your HEART concerning money. If God had an issue with money in general then he would have said don't have money but he didn't say that, he said you cannot serve God and money. In the Bible, we read in Matthew 6:21, for where your treasure is there your heart will be also. God is concerned about your heart more than anything.
Serving God means you are devoted, faithful to him and not money. In fact God blesses those with more increase (favor) material wealth (money) when someone is faithfully tithing, giving alms (helping out the poor in secret), giving first fruits (generously sowing and showing your appreciation to God through giving to your church at the beginning of the year) and sowing (giving an offering) into God's business (the gospel). When a person tithes, gladly give generous offerings each beginning of the year, blesses the poor in secret (not broadcasting what they have done) and sow into the work of the gospel (God's business), that truly tells God, themselves and others who they really serve.
Giving of alms (charity) is the only one we must keep secret. Alms is money or goods given to those in need as an act of charity. The word alms is used many times in the King James Version of the Bible. So when you give alms you are dispensing mercy and it should be done in secret. The other three (tithing, sowing and first fruits) we can let others know we are tithers, we are sowers and we give first fruit each year. Below are 4 wise ways to protect your money. Watch the video on the bottom of the page for more details.
Tithing (10%) of your income to the ministry of the gospel protects the other 90% of your money. The tithe is 10% of one's income (the gross, not the net). READ MORE ABOUT TITHING HERE
Sowing determines what kind of harvest you can receive based on your cheerful giving. 30 fold, 60 fold, 100 fold. Read Matthew chapter 13.
Giving alms blesses you because of your loving heart, what God sees in secret, he will reward openly and personally. The bible says he will repay. Read Matthew 6:4.
Giving of first fruits at the beginning of the year blesses you for the rest of the year.
If our heart has the right motive concerning money we can and will receive more of it.
If our thoughts about money are in fact healthy and free from toxic thoughts, deceptive fears from both sides, we'll find or create a way to have more of it. All things are possible to those who believe.
Sadly some are caught within two realms of fear. Caught between two extremes of fear to be more accurate. Fear of having too much money or fear of not having enough. Both are destructive ways of thinking and will only plague those for the rest of their lives unless they consider another thought.
We all have a choice in life and if we desire to change we must first change ourselves. Renewing the mind concerning money is something we all must do. We should never just stop learning but instead, learn something new every day if at all possible.
In the Bible we read in the book of Ecclesiastes 5:10 that, Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless. You could look at it this way, it is meaningless to love money.
One could actually turn that around from a different perspective to work for them and say whoever loves wisdom, knowledge, and instruction never has enough of it or will always be searching for more of, however, this would not be meaningless. Whoever seeks after wisdom and, knowledge and instruction will always be seeking for more. When a person does this, what they are actually saying whether they know it or not is they desire to know GOD's mind. By taking that kind of action, one could say they are adoring God's mind, loving his thoughts, desiring to know him more and more which is a wonderful way to give GOD a righteous compliment.
We should never love money but instead love God (GOD IS LOVE) and to also love his creations. Desiring to know GOD, to know his creations, to relate to GOD and to relate to his creations.
That's a healthy way to love, in fact, that is the best way to love. We must remember that money is a useful tool but it is God who is our source. We should never love money but instead, love God and love his creations. Loving money is not morally sound because money cannot in any way love you back. It's true.
Money is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. Any item or verifiable record that fulfills these functions can be considered as money. To love money is not wise or beneficial in any way from a sound point of view. Again we should love God and his creations.
Having a good relationship with money is important and one healthy thought is, "I enjoy helping others and (keyword is enjoy) exchanging goods and services for money (any item or verifiable record) so that I can continue to grow and continue to be a blessing and being able to exchange even more goods and services to help even more people."
When we think of it that way, it is not selfish at all, in fact, it's selfless.
If we were to only desire to take care of ourselves, having no goal, no vision to aid any other in the present or future when it is within our means to do, that in it's the fullest statement would be considered selfish.
If we have a goal to help others whenever we can, (meaning when it is already within your means of doing so) that is the state of being selfless. When you are of service to others and are displaying goods for monetary gain or exchange, or even giving of alms to the poor, your business will grow. Those who are honest, trustworthy and gain little by little, consistently making a difference will grow more and more.
Proverbs 13;11 says, Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. My friend, let's read the holy scriptures with clear understanding so we can grow together with sound wisdom and we know we can only do that with the help of God since it is his letter to us. In fact, his letter to us is so long one cannot read it completely in one sitting. That's how deep God's love is for you and me.
Matthew 6:24 says, No man (this mean no one) can serve (worship, adore, be faithful to) two masters, for either he will hate the one and despise the other; or else he will hold to (being devoted to) the one and despise the other. Ye (you and I) CANNOT serve (worship, adore be faithful to) God and mammon (money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord).
It's unhealthy to be devoted to money and adore money and value money more than God. Again it's a heart issue. God is all about motives. It's our heart concerning money is what he is deeply concerned about. He always has been this way and he always will be this way. He never changes. He's perfect, he was right the first time and always will be right. He's GOD. We're the ones who must change, not him.
Some have a misguided belief that money is the root of all evil, but it isn't. It's THE LOVE OF MONEY, that is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) Why? Well, it's pretty apparent, the word LOVE should not be associated with money. God is LOVE and when a person says (unwisely) they love money, they are saying money is their GOD because GOD is LOVE. Money is a useful tool and money is energy, empowerment on the material realm. Money does not have feelings like you and I and GOD has feelings. Money is not capable of being good or bad on its own but it is solely depended upon the one who holds it or possesses it. It would be better to replace the word love when speaking about money with the word enjoy instead of love.
SIDE NOTE: Gold and Silver are real money.
Also, it is important to know that every time we use the words, "I AM" we are saying GOD as well.
LOVE is who GOD is and I AM is one of GOD's names. Therefore we must not use GOD's name in vain.
Whatever you add to the words, "I AM" you become or you are in the process of becoming.
Those who say, "I am broke, I am sick" and so forth are cursing themselves and using GOD's name in vain. Many people never think of it that way but it's true. We must be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions. Whatever you think about you become and whatever we say about ourselves we draw back to us and also what we do for ourselves and others, that is what we automatically draw to back us.
We must get into the habit of changing our words, our thoughts and actions and make sure they are not taking GOD's name in vain. Start saying, I am prosperous, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am blessed and I am blessed to be a blessing, I am doing well, I am empowered to prosper and in return, I will help others to prosper, and so forth. When we pay for a bill of some kind, we must stop saying, "I spent what was due" or "that money was spent" and start saying, "I gave what was due." and "that money was given". The word, "spent" means having to been used and it is unable to be used again.
Replace the word spent with the words given or gave. God said the word "give" and it shall be "given" unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Giving reaps more giving.
Spent means it is used up and it is unable to be spent again. To spend means that's the end of a matter.
Words are powerful. If we only learn to replace the words we speak out of our mouths daily to be in line with God's will and our thoughts and actions, nothing will be impossible for us, the believer. We may not have ever looked at it that way but we need to or else we will always receive what we have been sowing, in thoughts, words, and deeds. It's that important.
It's nothing wrong or evil to have lots of money yet sadly some people think otherwise. They say they don't want lots of money. But if you were to ask them what do you use it for, they might say for themselves. Which would imply they have only selfish motives. God is the greatest giver in life. No one can out give GOD and yet we believers are encouraged to model after Jesus and Jesus modeled after GOD the father. So we should really think about our motives when it comes to money and truly asks God to give us a new way of thinking concerning money and to not to heal our old heart but in fact to give us a new heart. Money is a useful tool. Money is energy that is given as a form of payment for goods and services. In the bible, there are thousands of verses that deal with money, debt, investments, stewardship, saving, sowing, reaping and more. The only debt we should strive to have in life is to be in debt to love one another.
God is our provider and it is he who teaches us how to profit (Isaiah 48:17).
He (God) knows the best way we should and will prosper. He should know because he made us, knows us.
Some people sadly have tried to exist without any form of money only to find themselves connected to other means of income, charities, organizations, foundations or institutions that are supported by money, so we must understand that we all have a relationship with money. The purpose of this writing is to shed some light on the topic of money and help people get out of those deceptive, destructive pattern of belief which is only there to ultimately cause pain, suffering, lack which would only destroy those who, exercise, speak about and entertain those beliefs.
If you believe, focus, consistently play the part in your mind and say you will never have enough money, you would get exactly that and you will never have enough money. You will find yourself never having enough.
If you believe, focus, consistently play the part in your mind and say there is more than enough money to be made, you would be right, you will in time receive more than enough money. Your own determined will, will make it so. It's already embedded in our spirit, as you believe, it will be done to you.
If you believe, focus, consistently play the part in your mind and say I was created to solve a problem and others need my goods and service, you will create a solution that will solve a problem and in time others will find out that your goods and service are needed or even just appreciated and desire to support you.
We (humans) are just wired (or made) in such a way that what we think about constantly, we ultimately attract. We must know that we cannot exclusively believe, focus, think about and say something we desire and receive something else. Within a certain about of time, whether it is days, weeks, months, years, etc. whatever we have been putting out, must come back. It has to! Our thoughts, words, and actions are founded upon spirit laws (higher than natural laws) and these laws work 100% of the time. Our thoughts, our words, and actions are like a magnet and we receive what we truly believe or better understood, we receive what we truly expect.
Earl Nightingale was famous for many quotes such as, "We become what we think about." It's true. In the bible it says as man thinketh (believe) in his heart, so is he..which clearly states as you think, believe in your mind, will and emotions which does affect your heart, (your core self is your spirit) so you will be or so you will become or so you are becoming. We must renew our mind and maintain a healthy relationship with money in order to receive more money. We cannot just wish things to be different without first changing ourselves and being that difference.
Another healthy way to think about money is to become focused on solving a problem that will help out hundreds, or thousands or millions or even billions. When you come up with solutions that solve problems you create a means of increase, a service, which will generate an exchange which will in some way be money or a form of it. When we are in service to others, solving a problem, only then we can find fulfillment.
We must make it a goal to exchange healthy thoughts concerning money every day to ultimately someday receive more money and the reason behind it should be based on helping others, exchanging goods or a service in exchange for money (except giving alms) so that we can continue to be a blessing. We cannot receive anything in life unless we have it in our heart and mind. We truly become what we think about. How do you control your thoughts? With your words. When we speak out loud, our mind has to listen to what we have said or say. Our mind is a universe, a sponge which desires information, revelation, understanding, etc. and our mind (from a certain point of view) never has enough of it, so when we speak our mind will stop to hear what we are saying because our mind doesn't want to miss out on what is presently being said.
We can reprogram our mind by what we say every day in abundance. Our words determine our destiny.
The words that we have been speaking for some time is directly related to our lives today.
Make an effort to seek out to help others by speaking life into their life in some way. Give out what you would like in return. Make an effort also to truly find a means of solving a problem which will help out many people and you are certain (in time) to receive more money however set your focus on loving people and not loving money. Establish good habits and then our good habits will make us or establish us.
Make this your goal today and you will be on the right track for a better life.
In the Bible, Mary Magdalene wiped Jesus' feet with precious oil and that oil was discovered to be an entire year's wage. This same oil could have been what she was saving for her own burial, or savings however we don't actually know but she clearly valued Jesus so much that she poured out her heart to the Lord, not just in thought but in action, literally.
Jesus' feet were soaked in so much of this precious oil that many believe he was able to smell this oil throughout the whole torture which he endured for all of our sins, all the way up until he was nailed to the cross. She valued Jesus more than the money. She was devoted to him and able to part with the precious oil she was saving. Which is why some may say that's why she was the very first person to see Jesus after his resurrection. Her reward was exchanged to be the first to say and see that, "he (Jesus) has risen".
(John 20:11-18) This was and is one of the greatest messages on earth and she was the first to say it.
Again she valued Jesus more than money. We should also.
We need to stop denying ourselves the things that set us free and that is the truth. Only the truth can and will set us free. We need to make a paradigm shift and see the true things in life that we should value more so than other things. First valuing God and next valuing people, next his other creations and so forth. Money should be enjoyed not loved. Having a worthy idea to help people through goods and services in exchange for money is a healthy way to think about money. Givers Gain! Respectfully we should only give what we know that will bless others in exchange for money or things of value.
Our rewards in life will always be an exact proportion to our contribution or service.
However, everything that we give should not have a price tag connected to it.
Some things should be free. Some information just should be free. Some information should have a price. Some services should be free and some should not. We must know that even if the service, information or goods that we have received which are free, remind yourself it did cost someone or a certain group of people something. Their time in study, their investment of time and or money should be acknowledged, (shared, supported in some way) and appreciated. Our purpose should be geared towards being of service to others and valuing them and their money in exchange for better relationships and for even more goods and services to flourish more and more. Why? Well, why not? Think about the universe, it goes on forever it has not ended. Who are we to try to stop the flow of God's original plan of life.
Even though as the saying goes (which is totally true by the way) "the best things in life are free," we should eternally embrace the truth with a clear understanding that by being in service to others and their well being, we will be enriched in return in the same way. We receive in return what we put out.
Remember, no person can get rich themselves unless they enrich others in some way.
Jesus' feet were soaked in so much of this precious oil that many believe he was able to smell this oil throughout the whole torture which he endured for all of our sins, all the way up until he was nailed to the cross. She valued Jesus more than the money. She was devoted to him and able to part with the precious oil she was saving. Which is why some may say that's why she was the very first person to see Jesus after his resurrection. Her reward was exchanged to be the first to say and see that, "he (Jesus) has risen".
(John 20:11-18) This was and is one of the greatest messages on earth and she was the first to say it.
Again she valued Jesus more than money. We should also.
We need to stop denying ourselves the things that set us free and that is the truth. Only the truth can and will set us free. We need to make a paradigm shift and see the true things in life that we should value more so than other things. First valuing God and next valuing people, next his other creations and so forth. Money should be enjoyed not loved. Having a worthy idea to help people through goods and services in exchange for money is a healthy way to think about money. Givers Gain! Respectfully we should only give what we know that will bless others in exchange for money or things of value.
Our rewards in life will always be an exact proportion to our contribution or service.
However, everything that we give should not have a price tag connected to it.
Some things should be free. Some information just should be free. Some information should have a price. Some services should be free and some should not. We must know that even if the service, information or goods that we have received which are free, remind yourself it did cost someone or a certain group of people something. Their time in study, their investment of time and or money should be acknowledged, (shared, supported in some way) and appreciated. Our purpose should be geared towards being of service to others and valuing them and their money in exchange for better relationships and for even more goods and services to flourish more and more. Why? Well, why not? Think about the universe, it goes on forever it has not ended. Who are we to try to stop the flow of God's original plan of life.
Even though as the saying goes (which is totally true by the way) "the best things in life are free," we should eternally embrace the truth with a clear understanding that by being in service to others and their well being, we will be enriched in return in the same way. We receive in return what we put out.
Remember, no person can get rich themselves unless they enrich others in some way.
Having more money alone does not make you rich. It's all about ones state of mind. The biggest thing to understand is the difference between a liability and an asset. An asset is something that brings money to you from time to time. A liability is something that takes away money from you from time to time.
Now almost anything can be a liability or an asset, it's all a matter of how you use it.
If you owned a car or a house, it requires money to keep a car running and for a house, it requires money to keep it livable. Owning a house or a car is good for you but the rich think in multiples.
On the other hand, if you were able to buy a house and rent out that house and let's say you have good tenets, that house is no longer a liability, it has become an asset. In time you could buy another house and another house until you were able to buy land and build a complex which you would own and so forth.
It's important to know that the rich (or newbie entrepreneurs) and the poor think totally different. When an obstacle comes on the scene, the poor (not all) generally complain and don't look for a solution but rather keep complaining about the obstacle. The rich or newbie entrepreneurs see an obstacle as an opportunity and will look for a solution themselves or get a group of intelligent people to help solve a problem collectively or they will join with a body of believers, a business, a movement which is solving a problem.
Whether you are poor, middle class or rich, it is up to you whether you stay there or not.
Your present situation is not your future, it is all a state of mind. If we were born poor, that was not our decision so we should appreciate what we had and have and learn what we must do to change our present situation so we can rise up higher. If we stay poor, that is, in fact, our decision and it is ours alone. It's time to aim high and reach new heights. Again it is all a state of mind. That person could be viewed as being poor to the world from an outwardly (limited) viewpoint but be rich with ideas, concepts, insights, witty inventions, innovations, gifts, talents, sound wisdom and by not giving up on their dreams that poor person will not stay poor. In fact, if you were to follow them for years you find our they were never poor, instead, they just were lacking the tangible evidence, material possessions and self-sufficiency (status) which is experienced through the 5 physical senses. Failing to read between the lines of who that person really is which some people unwisely do and have done.
[As many of us know we are all far, far deeper than what our 5 physical senses detect, we are truly spiritual beings (from the core) and we have a soul (a mind, a will and emotions) and we live in a temporal body.]
And not all but mostly the poor focus on buying things and most of these things that are purchased are not going to make them money at all. They work hard, often times extremely hard yet don't use wisdom or have the lack of energy because they are already exhausted from working so hard. Again it is all a state of mind. You become what you think about. If you are poor, it's good for you to know that many people who are successful today were poor at one time however they did not stay there and changed their words, their thoughts and actions and didn't look back. Those who choose to stay poor (by choice) cannot do what the middle class can do.
The middle class are not poor because they work hard and smart and have and own a house, a car, a boat, etc. and owning these things is their main focus (to not be in debt) however by doing that only, these things are still not an asset but instead are liabilities they must maintain. Those who are middle class cannot do what the rich do but can do what the poor cannot because of their state of mind.
The rich on the other hand work hard and smart, multiplying their efforts if at all possible and focus on buying things (plural) which they plan to make into assets like owning more land, owning homes, owning cars (renting or selling them, buy low and sell reasonably higher) etc. and not use them but again rent or sell them which in turn will make more money and so on. The rich are rich because it is all a state of mind.
Whatever you buy mostly in your life ask yourself this, is this going to be an asset or a liability?
Joining a business, even an online business, you must ask yourself, is this really going to make me money or cost me a lot of money? It does take money to make money and for many, it will take time, money and keen discernment to be rise above where you presently are. Start asking yourself, is this really me?
Can I see myself doing what I am doing 5 years from now? How about 20 years from now?
If yes, stay with it! If not, don't give up, keep looking even where you are until you find your place.
On this page is a wonderful opportunity which could be that place.
Getting back to this topic, there is nothing wrong with having a liability but if you were able to earn more money and turn that into an asset you would eventually be empowered to come out of your present situation when you have a goal, write it down, look at it from time to time, put it on the wall, in your pocketbook, wallet (look at your goals 3-4 times a day) stay persistent, surround yourself with like-minded people who are successful action takers and not talkers who say much but do little and some do nothing at all.
The number one key is to have GOD in your life. GOD is the most vitally important person to your success. Without GOD in your life, you can run into many places and people that simply are not for you. By having GOD in the center of your life or having him as the top priority, you will reach places you never would dream on your own. GOD desires for us to prosper, in fact, he expects us to. We're made in his image and likeness so he doesn't see defeat in you and me, instead, he sees you successful, prosperous, wealthy, etc.
Why? Well, it's quite simple, we're made in his image and likeness, in short God believes in you! It's true!
If you would like to join a groundbreaking business, that is solving problems that you can feel good about and change your life financially that will be making many newbie entrepreneurs (men and women) rich in a few years or less, join the WAKAYA + NSPIRE network. CLICK HERE to learn more about this movement and opportunity!
Now almost anything can be a liability or an asset, it's all a matter of how you use it.
If you owned a car or a house, it requires money to keep a car running and for a house, it requires money to keep it livable. Owning a house or a car is good for you but the rich think in multiples.
On the other hand, if you were able to buy a house and rent out that house and let's say you have good tenets, that house is no longer a liability, it has become an asset. In time you could buy another house and another house until you were able to buy land and build a complex which you would own and so forth.
It's important to know that the rich (or newbie entrepreneurs) and the poor think totally different. When an obstacle comes on the scene, the poor (not all) generally complain and don't look for a solution but rather keep complaining about the obstacle. The rich or newbie entrepreneurs see an obstacle as an opportunity and will look for a solution themselves or get a group of intelligent people to help solve a problem collectively or they will join with a body of believers, a business, a movement which is solving a problem.
Whether you are poor, middle class or rich, it is up to you whether you stay there or not.
Your present situation is not your future, it is all a state of mind. If we were born poor, that was not our decision so we should appreciate what we had and have and learn what we must do to change our present situation so we can rise up higher. If we stay poor, that is, in fact, our decision and it is ours alone. It's time to aim high and reach new heights. Again it is all a state of mind. That person could be viewed as being poor to the world from an outwardly (limited) viewpoint but be rich with ideas, concepts, insights, witty inventions, innovations, gifts, talents, sound wisdom and by not giving up on their dreams that poor person will not stay poor. In fact, if you were to follow them for years you find our they were never poor, instead, they just were lacking the tangible evidence, material possessions and self-sufficiency (status) which is experienced through the 5 physical senses. Failing to read between the lines of who that person really is which some people unwisely do and have done.
[As many of us know we are all far, far deeper than what our 5 physical senses detect, we are truly spiritual beings (from the core) and we have a soul (a mind, a will and emotions) and we live in a temporal body.]
And not all but mostly the poor focus on buying things and most of these things that are purchased are not going to make them money at all. They work hard, often times extremely hard yet don't use wisdom or have the lack of energy because they are already exhausted from working so hard. Again it is all a state of mind. You become what you think about. If you are poor, it's good for you to know that many people who are successful today were poor at one time however they did not stay there and changed their words, their thoughts and actions and didn't look back. Those who choose to stay poor (by choice) cannot do what the middle class can do.
The middle class are not poor because they work hard and smart and have and own a house, a car, a boat, etc. and owning these things is their main focus (to not be in debt) however by doing that only, these things are still not an asset but instead are liabilities they must maintain. Those who are middle class cannot do what the rich do but can do what the poor cannot because of their state of mind.
The rich on the other hand work hard and smart, multiplying their efforts if at all possible and focus on buying things (plural) which they plan to make into assets like owning more land, owning homes, owning cars (renting or selling them, buy low and sell reasonably higher) etc. and not use them but again rent or sell them which in turn will make more money and so on. The rich are rich because it is all a state of mind.
Whatever you buy mostly in your life ask yourself this, is this going to be an asset or a liability?
Joining a business, even an online business, you must ask yourself, is this really going to make me money or cost me a lot of money? It does take money to make money and for many, it will take time, money and keen discernment to be rise above where you presently are. Start asking yourself, is this really me?
Can I see myself doing what I am doing 5 years from now? How about 20 years from now?
If yes, stay with it! If not, don't give up, keep looking even where you are until you find your place.
On this page is a wonderful opportunity which could be that place.
Getting back to this topic, there is nothing wrong with having a liability but if you were able to earn more money and turn that into an asset you would eventually be empowered to come out of your present situation when you have a goal, write it down, look at it from time to time, put it on the wall, in your pocketbook, wallet (look at your goals 3-4 times a day) stay persistent, surround yourself with like-minded people who are successful action takers and not talkers who say much but do little and some do nothing at all.
The number one key is to have GOD in your life. GOD is the most vitally important person to your success. Without GOD in your life, you can run into many places and people that simply are not for you. By having GOD in the center of your life or having him as the top priority, you will reach places you never would dream on your own. GOD desires for us to prosper, in fact, he expects us to. We're made in his image and likeness so he doesn't see defeat in you and me, instead, he sees you successful, prosperous, wealthy, etc.
Why? Well, it's quite simple, we're made in his image and likeness, in short God believes in you! It's true!
If you would like to join a groundbreaking business, that is solving problems that you can feel good about and change your life financially that will be making many newbie entrepreneurs (men and women) rich in a few years or less, join the WAKAYA + NSPIRE network. CLICK HERE to learn more about this movement and opportunity!
We must know that what we expect is what we will really experience. Read more about it .....
> Great Things Can Happen To You When You Expect <
The question should not be what business should I become apart of but instead what problem can I solve or what problem was I created to solve or what business should a partner with which is solving a problem?
Everyone has a purpose. It's true. Some people have a purpose to aid others with a solution to a problem that will help many, many thousands or even more. This is very good! Some people have a purpose in life to create something totally unique, rare, uncommonly good which will solve problems for millions or even billions of lives. This is truly great, however everybody needs people for their idea to grow. It's important to never get jealous of someone else ability, gift, etc. Instead it's best to embrace your purpose and only desire to be the best you can be with your God given, talents and abilities and to seek out and help others with their dreams. A wise person can see the value in doing that. They will be blessed in countless ways, the one who loves to be a blessing to others.
It's important to know that everyone has a purpose. Others have a purpose to support those who come up with those rare creations or useful ideas and by doing so they reap their reward for helping them.
Your IQ, your degree, your up bringing is totally irrelevant when it comes to how much money you can earn. In fact many people who are wealthy today never finished college. Not saying college should be avoided. Not at all but you must know your purpose in life and you must actively move towards your purpose with great expectations to obtain true fulfillment. It's so important to know your purpose, embrace it and respond to your calling to fully enjoy life. When you know that you are precious and you value yourself and value others by knowing they also are equally precious, you are off to a good start.
God likes variety. So should we. God likes unity and he likes the idea of family. That's certainly true. There's no way around that. That's something we must understand and embrace.
It's all a matter of how you think, how you believe, what you say daily, what actions you take daily towards your goals, what solution/s you provide to help others and having a clear understanding that as you contribute to others, goods or services, this contribution will be measured back to you time and time again.
Simply put, we will reap what we sow. It is a simple but powerful spiritual law, the law of reciprocity.
For every action there is an equal and opposition reaction. What you generously give out, it will be measured back to you, time and time again.
One way a person could receive the best in life is to release their words of faith and ask the giver of life to show them their purpose and respond to their calling. Asking God to reveal to you personally your purpose in life. The key thing is to be sincere and not fake. Be sincere with yourself, with people and most importantly be sincere to GOD. Because no one can fool God. We must be absolutely forth right, honest, whole heartily sincere with God when asking for our purpose.
Do you know what? Did you know that God is waiting for you to ask him your purpose? It's true!
He's actually been waiting for you to ask him this question and many others.
Before you pray, make sure you are using your CHILD-LIKE FAITH
Here's a model prayer that expresses a detailed request to God that you can use as a reference....
"Father in heaven in the name of Jesus, you know me, your know me best because you made me and you have wonderful plans for me, it is written in your word in Jeremiah 29:11-13. 1 John 1:9-10 plainly states that if we admit we were wrong and ask for forgiveness, you will forgive us. Forgive me for having wrongful thoughts, words, plans and actions that was not according to your flawless plans for me.
I believe your word. It is written in Matthew 7:7, that I should ask and it will be given to me, that I should seek and then I will find, to knock and the door will be opened. According to Jeremiah 33:3, I am calling on you, I am asking you to show me great and mighty things that I don't know. Teach me and guide me everyday. I cannot gain anything good in life without you. In the book of Psalm 106:1, Psalm 107:1, Psalm 118:1, Psalm 136 and many others, it says that you are good and your mercy endures forever. Your faithful love for me is forever.
In Luke 10:18 and Luke 18:19 Jesus said you are good therefore I cannot gain anything good in my life without you. GOD, you are my source. You are the vital part of the equation for my success.
Isaiah 1:19 says if I am willing and obedient I will eat the good of the land. Isaiah 48:17 reminds me that you are my redeemer, you are the LORD my GOD who will teach me what is good for me and will lead me to what paths I should take. In fact it is your responsibility to teach me how to profit. And it is equally important to know that it is your desire that I will prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers,
(3 John 2). I ask you to lead me. I am willing and I will be obedient. I am expecting you to change my life and do something with it in ways I could never fathom. You created me to solve a problem or to partner with others to help solve a problem. I need to know what that solution is.
I need your wisdom now and I acknowledge that I will always be in need of your wisdom through out my whole life. I am not leaning to my own understanding but instead I am acknowledging you, honoring you, respecting you and I am expecting you to direct my paths. Bless me so that I can be a blessing to every person you place in my life. I desire to have life and have it more abundantly. I truly desire to reach my highest potential and be of service and to not be envious of any man,woman or child but to hope the best for them and if it is within my power and it is according to your will, I will help them reach their goals.
Holy Spirit, show me things to come, empower me so that all that I do is pleasing to you and that I am in the perfect will of God. I know that being where you have planned for me is the very best place to be.
So I give you my life in exchange to receive the one you have planned for me and I trust that this life you have planned for me is full of hope, full of purpose and it is a good life. I thank you for your plans that you have for my life. In John 14:14 it says if I ask anything in your name, you will do it. Do this for me. Enlighten me so I can fulfill my destiny. I believe I receive your plans for me in Jesus name, Amen."
Remember, we can reprogram our mind by what we say everyday in abundance.
Our faith filled words determine our destiny. Think the blessing, speak the blessing and be a blessing.
For more blessed words of empowerment and words that God loves to answer CLICK HERE.
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Only the LORD has plans to bless you but first we must receive JESUS as our LORD and Savior.
CLICK HERE to be born again and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior Today!
CLICK HERE to be born again and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior Today!