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Remember That Money Is A Useful Tool But God Is Our Source.
Put God First, Follow His Lead, Fulfill Your Purpose And The Money Will Follow.
It's best to make a decision everyday to be better than you were yesterday. Why? WHY NOT? If you are teachable and sincerely honest with yourself, you know you don't know everything, therefore this leaves you with plenty of room to improve one self. Also decide to be a person who makes quality choices daily and to not to be indecisive. When a person is indecisive, they have a hard time making decisions which indeed hinders possibilities in their personal life and also hinders others in which they have influence.
When an indecisive person finally does make a decision, they may not be confident about it, or they might change their mind again which will only put off possibilities and the next time they face that decision it can be even harder to make than the first time. It's a non-productive pattern, a continuum of delayed choices which never get made at the opportune time.
When an indecisive person finally does make a decision, they may not be confident about it, or they might change their mind again which will only put off possibilities and the next time they face that decision it can be even harder to make than the first time. It's a non-productive pattern, a continuum of delayed choices which never get made at the opportune time.
What we expect is what we truly believe.
Some ask why should we expect greater things or even the best of things in life? We should start expecting greater things and the best in life because we will receive what we truly are expecting.We should expect greater things and the best of things because of the God who made us, loves us and HE (YES GOD, the creator of heaven and earth) truly believes in US therefore we must believe in HIM. God expects us to do greater things because we’re made in his image and likeness.
There is a law called the Law Of Expectation which simply states that 85% of what you expect to happen … will happen, whether it is good or bad. This law of expectation is very powerful,
it doesn’t play favorites, so it doesn’t matter if we are expecting negative or positive things
to happen – The Law of Expectation stays true.
Your expectation is the fuel towards your dream, your goal. What you expect is what you have practiced in your heart and mind whether for your good or not.
So it's wise to STOP practicing thoughts in your heart and mind that are not good and START practicing thoughts in your heart and mind which are good.
How can you do this? By changing the words you say out of your mouth and seeing yourself at the end result in your mind.
Faith (what we expect) is released when we speak with our words. Faith is expecting. Out of the abundance of the heart our mouth will speak. What we really believe, we will say in abundance certain words and those words of faith create our reality, which will change our thoughts. When the pressure is on, the words that flow out of our mouths in abundance is what we truly believe.
No one can cheat the law of expectation or no one can have faith in one thing and receive something else. We can’t cheat by just wishing or hoping something to happen or to be a certain way outside of our belief system. Whatever we sow we will reap or whatever will put out, say or do we will receive in return.
Real expectation is tied into our belief system. Wishing, hoping or any form of chance is not solid trust therefore it is not true faith. Faith is solid and firm belief, expecting an outcome no matter what. That is a sign of a true believer or a person who is using their faith. You also must see yourself there, take a picture of yourself there in your mind and expect to be there. If you want to be successful with this you must begin with the END in mind, with your thoughts. Then, you should say something about it with your words, say the end result you are desiring. By remaining positive with sincere gratitude, seeing yourself successful and saying you are successful, you're on the right track for great expectation being fulfilled. Remember to
be in a constant thankful heartfelt state of mind as if you are already there. In your mind, you are there.
Some ask why should we expect greater things or even the best of things in life? We should start expecting greater things and the best in life because we will receive what we truly are expecting.We should expect greater things and the best of things because of the God who made us, loves us and HE (YES GOD, the creator of heaven and earth) truly believes in US therefore we must believe in HIM. God expects us to do greater things because we’re made in his image and likeness.
There is a law called the Law Of Expectation which simply states that 85% of what you expect to happen … will happen, whether it is good or bad. This law of expectation is very powerful,
it doesn’t play favorites, so it doesn’t matter if we are expecting negative or positive things
to happen – The Law of Expectation stays true.
Your expectation is the fuel towards your dream, your goal. What you expect is what you have practiced in your heart and mind whether for your good or not.
So it's wise to STOP practicing thoughts in your heart and mind that are not good and START practicing thoughts in your heart and mind which are good.
How can you do this? By changing the words you say out of your mouth and seeing yourself at the end result in your mind.
Faith (what we expect) is released when we speak with our words. Faith is expecting. Out of the abundance of the heart our mouth will speak. What we really believe, we will say in abundance certain words and those words of faith create our reality, which will change our thoughts. When the pressure is on, the words that flow out of our mouths in abundance is what we truly believe.
No one can cheat the law of expectation or no one can have faith in one thing and receive something else. We can’t cheat by just wishing or hoping something to happen or to be a certain way outside of our belief system. Whatever we sow we will reap or whatever will put out, say or do we will receive in return.
Real expectation is tied into our belief system. Wishing, hoping or any form of chance is not solid trust therefore it is not true faith. Faith is solid and firm belief, expecting an outcome no matter what. That is a sign of a true believer or a person who is using their faith. You also must see yourself there, take a picture of yourself there in your mind and expect to be there. If you want to be successful with this you must begin with the END in mind, with your thoughts. Then, you should say something about it with your words, say the end result you are desiring. By remaining positive with sincere gratitude, seeing yourself successful and saying you are successful, you're on the right track for great expectation being fulfilled. Remember to
be in a constant thankful heartfelt state of mind as if you are already there. In your mind, you are there.
The bible even says as a man thinks in his heart so is he..this means as a person thinks, believes in it's true essence, as a person EXPECTS in their heart, (in their core belief system), this is who they are or becoming.
It may seem funny now but think how 500 years ago people thought the earth was flat and those people (in their so sure minds in that time) expected if you go too far you will fall off the earth.
We know today that it is totally not true.
They allowed their fear of the unknown to rule their life which hindered them from seeing, experiencing more of what God made for them to enjoy. Our expectation in life is tied to our belief system and because it’s tied into our belief system we will keep seeing, experiencing what we have been expecting and since we receive what we expect it’s BEST to expect the best and not the worst.
Like the story of Job of the bible. Job feared the worst for his family and because he feared the worst for his family, the worst happened. Read the book of Job in the bible for the full story. Our expectations are so powerful and so right on that if we fear the worst it has an 85% chance of happening. So it's best to believe (with all of your might) for the best things to happen to you and at the very least expect for good things to happen to you. Make it your priority to affirm positive words everyday, seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. Our expectations are so powerful and sensitive just by default so we must work at expecting the best or again at least expect for good things to happen to you everyday.
This will explain why even highly motivated people may have problems getting ahead at times. It's all about their belief, what we expect, we experience and for those who have had problems in their thinking it is mainly because somewhere ingrained in their thinking (usually due to a past experience) is the belief that they can’t succeed, or do it again or they believe they will repeat a past error or they can’t top their last goal. These are self defeating thought patterns which must be stopped!
We must stop lying to ourselves, stay away from the nay sayers (and keep ourselves surrounded around believers) and keep telling ourselves the truth! Only the truth can set us FREE! If we hear a lie long enough the lie will become our reality. We don't want to live a lie, nor do we want to live our fears but many people do this everyday by default. We must face our fears with the truth and stop the continuum of, "what if's" because if we don't stop the what if's, we'll never experience the truth. I don't know about you but I don't want to live a lifetime and find out I have been living a lie when I have had the power of choice within all along. We must know that whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self fulfilling prophecy. So we don't get what we truly want, we get what we truly expect.
One thing we must get in our mind is our past doesn't determine our future unless we allow it to be. I must say that again in a different way, OUR PAST is just that OUR PAST and it doesn’t determine our future. What we do TODAY determines our future. We change our thoughts with our words and our words give birth to pathways of new thought. Get into the habit of saying positive affirmations everyday. Learn to say affirmations from your heart, express it form deep down and believe every word you are saying. Expect success. Expect it and see yourself successful. In every way, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, financially etc. Stay charged with faith. The words you say today will paint your tomorrow.
If you want to soar high with the eagles, you have to stop flying low with the turkeys, the chickens, etc. Birds of the feathers always flock together. AIM HIGH!
It may seem funny now but think how 500 years ago people thought the earth was flat and those people (in their so sure minds in that time) expected if you go too far you will fall off the earth.
We know today that it is totally not true.
They allowed their fear of the unknown to rule their life which hindered them from seeing, experiencing more of what God made for them to enjoy. Our expectation in life is tied to our belief system and because it’s tied into our belief system we will keep seeing, experiencing what we have been expecting and since we receive what we expect it’s BEST to expect the best and not the worst.
Like the story of Job of the bible. Job feared the worst for his family and because he feared the worst for his family, the worst happened. Read the book of Job in the bible for the full story. Our expectations are so powerful and so right on that if we fear the worst it has an 85% chance of happening. So it's best to believe (with all of your might) for the best things to happen to you and at the very least expect for good things to happen to you. Make it your priority to affirm positive words everyday, seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. Our expectations are so powerful and sensitive just by default so we must work at expecting the best or again at least expect for good things to happen to you everyday.
This will explain why even highly motivated people may have problems getting ahead at times. It's all about their belief, what we expect, we experience and for those who have had problems in their thinking it is mainly because somewhere ingrained in their thinking (usually due to a past experience) is the belief that they can’t succeed, or do it again or they believe they will repeat a past error or they can’t top their last goal. These are self defeating thought patterns which must be stopped!
We must stop lying to ourselves, stay away from the nay sayers (and keep ourselves surrounded around believers) and keep telling ourselves the truth! Only the truth can set us FREE! If we hear a lie long enough the lie will become our reality. We don't want to live a lie, nor do we want to live our fears but many people do this everyday by default. We must face our fears with the truth and stop the continuum of, "what if's" because if we don't stop the what if's, we'll never experience the truth. I don't know about you but I don't want to live a lifetime and find out I have been living a lie when I have had the power of choice within all along. We must know that whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self fulfilling prophecy. So we don't get what we truly want, we get what we truly expect.
One thing we must get in our mind is our past doesn't determine our future unless we allow it to be. I must say that again in a different way, OUR PAST is just that OUR PAST and it doesn’t determine our future. What we do TODAY determines our future. We change our thoughts with our words and our words give birth to pathways of new thought. Get into the habit of saying positive affirmations everyday. Learn to say affirmations from your heart, express it form deep down and believe every word you are saying. Expect success. Expect it and see yourself successful. In every way, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, financially etc. Stay charged with faith. The words you say today will paint your tomorrow.
If you want to soar high with the eagles, you have to stop flying low with the turkeys, the chickens, etc. Birds of the feathers always flock together. AIM HIGH!
Watch This And Learn Something New That Will Bless You!
Our words actually shape our personal world within. So if we affirm to ourselves everyday that we are going to speak, think and act differently, expecting the best to happen to us on purpose, we are changing our future and our past cannot stop this process unless we quit doing what needs to be done TODAY.
We were created in the image and likeness of God and God is always creative therefore we need to remind ourselves to stay creative and to keep affirming good things in our life daily. One good thought you can remind yourself is that God desires to bless us even more than we would ask for and even imagine. So...
expect good things to happen to you everyday. Learn to focus on the positive things in life and prepare to be tested and doubted, that comes along with the journey. In life there are 2 kinds of people in this world, believers and doubters. You may not be able to control what others think but you can control what you think by continuously affirming good things. You may not be able to control what people say but you can control the words you affirm out of your mouth.When we get our words right, we can get our thoughts right and when we envision ourselves, receiving the end result, living the dream, see ourselves doing greater things, we will get it. Belief with enthusiasm is everything!
Let say you wanted to train for a marathon run, whether for 5 miles or 15 miles it doesn't matter, as long as you see yourself finish those miles in your mind (over and over again) and then everyday you said out loud to yourself many times in the mirror,
" I AM FAR STRONGER THAN I THINK I AM," and then you trained for about 2-3 months (everyday visualizing yourself finishing, repeating each affirmation many, many times and running around the track for miles and miles) because you are serious guess what?....you will have a minimum of an 85% chance of successfully finishing the race.
If you're thinking like me, that's a pretty high success rate. Never prejudge yourself, ONLY believe.
Visualization, seeing yourself accomplishing your goals is very important to reach your goals. When you visualize, you must do it on purpose. If you believe you are seeing yourself defeated in your mind, you will be defeated in life. When you see yourself winning, accomplishing your goals, seeing yourself there, being thankful for the experience, expressing sincere gratitude daily with continuous practice, you will reach what you have visualized. Make it a goal everyday to see yourself successfully fulfilling your purpose. Get passionate about it and remain grateful and stay in the flow of expecting the desired outcome.
1st - Take 10 deep breaths in and out slowly and focus on your breathing. Imagine you were applying for a very high paying job/career and you visualize yourself walking in the building. Next you visualize yourself greeting people gracefully and respectfully. Next you see yourself filling out the needed paper work, leaving your resume, making great professional connections that are needed, etc. Next visualize yourself at the interview/meeting, answering every question correctly, you're right on beat with everyone there, showing confidence, you're comfortable, positive and showing high regard to the interviewer/CEO. Finally you see yourself shaking their hand, making eye contact, thanking them for their time and etc. and walking out with the position/deal/signing the contract. See the outcome as an absolute, receiving the end result.
This is very important and powerful to do for each of your goals. Seeing yourself accomplishing the goal is key. That's called expecting. Your deep conscious mind doesn't know the difference whether what you visualize is real or not. Do it each day for 5-10 minutes. The best time to do these visualizations is right before going to bed. When you are sleep that is when your total mind is the most active therefore by ending your day visualizing your goals completed gives great fuel for your dreams to flourish. When you do this daily before going to sleep, your deep conscious mind is accepting the visualization as truth, because it doesn't know that it's all in your mind so you will have a higher expectancy each day with persistence.
Note the conscious mind (LOGIC) will put up a fight, don't let it win, resist the past, let it go, forgive yourself, forgive everyone and press on, looking forward not backwards. The conscious mind will give up fighting in time only if you are persistent. Be grateful, thank God boldly for the victory. Learn to live in a constant state of sincere gratitude. This is huge. The deep (or sub) conscious mind does not put up a fight, it just records, checks off and accepts. It's always ready and willing to record, trust , receive, you name it. This is where your dreams can become reality with dedicated practice.
Please note: though it is good to see yourself go through the whole process, it's best to practice seeing yourself at the end result much more. Don't look at yourself like it's a movie but as if it is really happening. The smells, the feeling, the sounds, the seeing. Also you may want to look at yourself from 2 different perspectives. The first perspective should be seeing yourself out of your own eyes actually there, just like you normally experience in life. The second is seeing yourself from a third person perspective as if you are watching yourself reach the goal from outside your own body. Like you are a spectator yet you are watching yourself reach the goal. Cheering yourself on. Telling yourself, "YOU'RE GOING MAKE IT!"
You own the moment so make it great. See yourself as a winner and only a winner. If you happen to miss the target in real life, get over it, let it go however learn from the miss and never quit saying positive words of empowerment, visualizing yourself reaching the goal, expecting nothing less than success.
Deep down, winners don't just believe they are winners, THEY KNOW THEY ARE WINNERS!
They expect success, they see the picture unfolding within. They know they are not perfect
(this is wisdom) therefore they are prepared to fall down and (if and when they do fall down) they are expecting to get back up because all they can see is winning in their minds. That's a great way to look at life in general. KEEP reading if you would like to be even more encouraged.
We were created in the image and likeness of God and God is always creative therefore we need to remind ourselves to stay creative and to keep affirming good things in our life daily. One good thought you can remind yourself is that God desires to bless us even more than we would ask for and even imagine. So...
expect good things to happen to you everyday. Learn to focus on the positive things in life and prepare to be tested and doubted, that comes along with the journey. In life there are 2 kinds of people in this world, believers and doubters. You may not be able to control what others think but you can control what you think by continuously affirming good things. You may not be able to control what people say but you can control the words you affirm out of your mouth.When we get our words right, we can get our thoughts right and when we envision ourselves, receiving the end result, living the dream, see ourselves doing greater things, we will get it. Belief with enthusiasm is everything!
Let say you wanted to train for a marathon run, whether for 5 miles or 15 miles it doesn't matter, as long as you see yourself finish those miles in your mind (over and over again) and then everyday you said out loud to yourself many times in the mirror,
" I AM FAR STRONGER THAN I THINK I AM," and then you trained for about 2-3 months (everyday visualizing yourself finishing, repeating each affirmation many, many times and running around the track for miles and miles) because you are serious guess what?....you will have a minimum of an 85% chance of successfully finishing the race.
If you're thinking like me, that's a pretty high success rate. Never prejudge yourself, ONLY believe.
Visualization, seeing yourself accomplishing your goals is very important to reach your goals. When you visualize, you must do it on purpose. If you believe you are seeing yourself defeated in your mind, you will be defeated in life. When you see yourself winning, accomplishing your goals, seeing yourself there, being thankful for the experience, expressing sincere gratitude daily with continuous practice, you will reach what you have visualized. Make it a goal everyday to see yourself successfully fulfilling your purpose. Get passionate about it and remain grateful and stay in the flow of expecting the desired outcome.
1st - Take 10 deep breaths in and out slowly and focus on your breathing. Imagine you were applying for a very high paying job/career and you visualize yourself walking in the building. Next you visualize yourself greeting people gracefully and respectfully. Next you see yourself filling out the needed paper work, leaving your resume, making great professional connections that are needed, etc. Next visualize yourself at the interview/meeting, answering every question correctly, you're right on beat with everyone there, showing confidence, you're comfortable, positive and showing high regard to the interviewer/CEO. Finally you see yourself shaking their hand, making eye contact, thanking them for their time and etc. and walking out with the position/deal/signing the contract. See the outcome as an absolute, receiving the end result.
This is very important and powerful to do for each of your goals. Seeing yourself accomplishing the goal is key. That's called expecting. Your deep conscious mind doesn't know the difference whether what you visualize is real or not. Do it each day for 5-10 minutes. The best time to do these visualizations is right before going to bed. When you are sleep that is when your total mind is the most active therefore by ending your day visualizing your goals completed gives great fuel for your dreams to flourish. When you do this daily before going to sleep, your deep conscious mind is accepting the visualization as truth, because it doesn't know that it's all in your mind so you will have a higher expectancy each day with persistence.
Note the conscious mind (LOGIC) will put up a fight, don't let it win, resist the past, let it go, forgive yourself, forgive everyone and press on, looking forward not backwards. The conscious mind will give up fighting in time only if you are persistent. Be grateful, thank God boldly for the victory. Learn to live in a constant state of sincere gratitude. This is huge. The deep (or sub) conscious mind does not put up a fight, it just records, checks off and accepts. It's always ready and willing to record, trust , receive, you name it. This is where your dreams can become reality with dedicated practice.
Please note: though it is good to see yourself go through the whole process, it's best to practice seeing yourself at the end result much more. Don't look at yourself like it's a movie but as if it is really happening. The smells, the feeling, the sounds, the seeing. Also you may want to look at yourself from 2 different perspectives. The first perspective should be seeing yourself out of your own eyes actually there, just like you normally experience in life. The second is seeing yourself from a third person perspective as if you are watching yourself reach the goal from outside your own body. Like you are a spectator yet you are watching yourself reach the goal. Cheering yourself on. Telling yourself, "YOU'RE GOING MAKE IT!"
You own the moment so make it great. See yourself as a winner and only a winner. If you happen to miss the target in real life, get over it, let it go however learn from the miss and never quit saying positive words of empowerment, visualizing yourself reaching the goal, expecting nothing less than success.
Deep down, winners don't just believe they are winners, THEY KNOW THEY ARE WINNERS!
They expect success, they see the picture unfolding within. They know they are not perfect
(this is wisdom) therefore they are prepared to fall down and (if and when they do fall down) they are expecting to get back up because all they can see is winning in their minds. That's a great way to look at life in general. KEEP reading if you would like to be even more encouraged.
Pygmalion In The Classroom
If you have children, start feeding them words of love, support, faith and hope by the words you are affirming and make sure your actions follow those words. Children can be excellent students when you keep their mind on winning. Encourage them with great enthusiasm by telling them they are the best and should expect the best. Encourage them to believe, seeing themselves there, reaching the goal and then you expect them to reach it by helping them reach it. Constantly on purpose tell them they are loved and have a wonderful future. Teach them sincere gratitude. Get them on fire about affirming a wonderful life that is before them and being grateful for life. Have you ever heard of,
"Pygmalion In The Classroom by Robert Rosenthal?" Watch these short video clips above and below.
"Pygmalion In The Classroom by Robert Rosenthal?" Watch these short video clips above and below.
Watch the video below for creating a successful vision board.
How To Create A Vision Board That Works
Are You A Christian Believer? Keep Reading...
The bottom line is this we MUST start expecting God to be God in our life, declaring or affirming words that line up with the word of God (because we have faith in him) and he loves us, he created us, he has made good plans for us all and so much more. Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope. - Amplified Bible. Also we must remember that God answers prayers based on his word. God does answer prayer LOOK HERE.
God is only going to answer our prayers when they are based on his word, when they line up with what is written in his word, the bible. When hearing the word of God (the bible) we must expect what it says to be true. If we doubt, it will not work for us, period. When we choose wisely to believe and expect results (not doubting) with great enthusiasm the words we have been hearing and saying repeatedly, signs, wonders and miracles will follow. If you are having problems with doubt ask God to help your unbelief and periodic fasting and prayer will change your situation and circumstance.
If you are experiencing little to no results to your prayers, it is time to add fasting with your prayer CLICK HERE for FREE PDF download on this.
God loves answering prayer based on his word.
If you don't get anything, get this in your spirit, as a child of God you are filled with the spirit of God. God is abundance. God is the creator. God is love. That means you are a child of abundance. You are a child of the creator and you are a child of love ... Say this."I AM A CHILD OF ABUNDANCE, I AM A CHILD OF THE CREATOR AND I AM A CHILD OF LOVE AND LOVE NEVER FAILS AND SINCE LOVE NEVER FAILS, I AM NOT A FAILURE, I AM BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING THIS DAY IN JESUS' NAME!"
You don't have to look for what you already are but you have say something about it. Your words that you speak have power when you know who you are. You have to speak what you desire into existence. When truth is released according to God's word (God's word never returns void) it must manifest. What you speak in abundance without wavering you will experience! You have to see it in your mind then say something about it. You words are substance, your thoughts are substance and..."faith is the SUBSTANCE (stuff) of things hoped for, the evidence (image) of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1.
God's word is substance and when you speak, declare his word (the bible) long enough it must manifest. You must know it and expect God's word to work for you. It must be personal. Your personal faith (expectation) must not waver from maybe to something else. Your faith must stay focused on what God's word said and claim it in Jesus name everyday with your thoughts and also your words.
How you claim it with your thoughts? By holding the image of what you're believing for long enough in your mind until it is an expectation.
We must meditate and speak it into existence with enthusiasm. The faith must be sincere and expecting results in Jesus name. That's a true believer. The sign of a believer keeps their mind and words in line with God's word until every promise that is written in the word of God is evident in their personal life, family and beyond. A believer who knows their purpose and is actively moving towards their purpose and God is with them, helping them fulfill their purpose is unstoppable.
The BIBLE is..
Do you know your instructions? The bible is also a menu for your life. God the father owns the universe and everything in it. Jesus' blood paid for everything on the menu (the promises of God). The Holy Spirit is your guide to help you find your purpose in life and assist you so you will reach your highest potential and claim every promise on the menu. You have a choice everyday of what you want and don't want as a child of God. Also you should pray in the spirit daily to draw near to God...Your personal waiters (angels are always waiting on you to speak the word of God) can't read your mind so you must order/declare/say what is on the menu (THE BIBLE) for the day (that you specifically need) according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Whenever you say something that lines up with the word of God and checks off that Jesus' blood paid for it, you have a divine right as a child of God to claim it in Jesus name and the angels assigned to you must make it so when you are expecting and not doubting. God created angels for protecting us and making things happen on earth as it is in heaven which is according to God's perfect will which is written in the word of God.
When you have the Truth + Belief + Desire + Corresponding Action, it = Sound Expectation which is the very best way to expect. When you have a sound expectation which is first built on truth, then believed and desired (with great enthusiasm) in the heart and followed by corresponding action (seeing YOURSELF in the promises of God and speaking the promises of God), now all things are possible to those who believe. Again if you are experiencing little to no results to your prayers it is time to add fasting with your prayer CLICK HERE for FREE PDF download on this.
The words we affirm for best results should be affirmed (for the Christian believer) in the name of, "Jesus." Why? Jesus is the only name above all names. (Philippians 2:9-11) Also when affirming for the very best results we should use the word of God by saying what it says and also being led by the spirit of God (who is the Holy Spirit) to pray the best prayers at all times.
If you are a Christian believer and would like to know more and affirm blessed words of faith that line up with the word of God everyday, check out this blog which are helping many Christian believers to continue believing for God's best. VOLUME 1 is available for streaming ONLINE and both VOLUMES 1 and VOLUME 2 are available for downloading to your personal device. GO HERE.
God is only going to answer our prayers when they are based on his word, when they line up with what is written in his word, the bible. When hearing the word of God (the bible) we must expect what it says to be true. If we doubt, it will not work for us, period. When we choose wisely to believe and expect results (not doubting) with great enthusiasm the words we have been hearing and saying repeatedly, signs, wonders and miracles will follow. If you are having problems with doubt ask God to help your unbelief and periodic fasting and prayer will change your situation and circumstance.
If you are experiencing little to no results to your prayers, it is time to add fasting with your prayer CLICK HERE for FREE PDF download on this.
God loves answering prayer based on his word.
If you don't get anything, get this in your spirit, as a child of God you are filled with the spirit of God. God is abundance. God is the creator. God is love. That means you are a child of abundance. You are a child of the creator and you are a child of love ... Say this."I AM A CHILD OF ABUNDANCE, I AM A CHILD OF THE CREATOR AND I AM A CHILD OF LOVE AND LOVE NEVER FAILS AND SINCE LOVE NEVER FAILS, I AM NOT A FAILURE, I AM BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING THIS DAY IN JESUS' NAME!"
You don't have to look for what you already are but you have say something about it. Your words that you speak have power when you know who you are. You have to speak what you desire into existence. When truth is released according to God's word (God's word never returns void) it must manifest. What you speak in abundance without wavering you will experience! You have to see it in your mind then say something about it. You words are substance, your thoughts are substance and..."faith is the SUBSTANCE (stuff) of things hoped for, the evidence (image) of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1.
God's word is substance and when you speak, declare his word (the bible) long enough it must manifest. You must know it and expect God's word to work for you. It must be personal. Your personal faith (expectation) must not waver from maybe to something else. Your faith must stay focused on what God's word said and claim it in Jesus name everyday with your thoughts and also your words.
How you claim it with your thoughts? By holding the image of what you're believing for long enough in your mind until it is an expectation.
We must meditate and speak it into existence with enthusiasm. The faith must be sincere and expecting results in Jesus name. That's a true believer. The sign of a believer keeps their mind and words in line with God's word until every promise that is written in the word of God is evident in their personal life, family and beyond. A believer who knows their purpose and is actively moving towards their purpose and God is with them, helping them fulfill their purpose is unstoppable.
The BIBLE is..
Do you know your instructions? The bible is also a menu for your life. God the father owns the universe and everything in it. Jesus' blood paid for everything on the menu (the promises of God). The Holy Spirit is your guide to help you find your purpose in life and assist you so you will reach your highest potential and claim every promise on the menu. You have a choice everyday of what you want and don't want as a child of God. Also you should pray in the spirit daily to draw near to God...Your personal waiters (angels are always waiting on you to speak the word of God) can't read your mind so you must order/declare/say what is on the menu (THE BIBLE) for the day (that you specifically need) according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Whenever you say something that lines up with the word of God and checks off that Jesus' blood paid for it, you have a divine right as a child of God to claim it in Jesus name and the angels assigned to you must make it so when you are expecting and not doubting. God created angels for protecting us and making things happen on earth as it is in heaven which is according to God's perfect will which is written in the word of God.
When you have the Truth + Belief + Desire + Corresponding Action, it = Sound Expectation which is the very best way to expect. When you have a sound expectation which is first built on truth, then believed and desired (with great enthusiasm) in the heart and followed by corresponding action (seeing YOURSELF in the promises of God and speaking the promises of God), now all things are possible to those who believe. Again if you are experiencing little to no results to your prayers it is time to add fasting with your prayer CLICK HERE for FREE PDF download on this.
The words we affirm for best results should be affirmed (for the Christian believer) in the name of, "Jesus." Why? Jesus is the only name above all names. (Philippians 2:9-11) Also when affirming for the very best results we should use the word of God by saying what it says and also being led by the spirit of God (who is the Holy Spirit) to pray the best prayers at all times.
If you are a Christian believer and would like to know more and affirm blessed words of faith that line up with the word of God everyday, check out this blog which are helping many Christian believers to continue believing for God's best. VOLUME 1 is available for streaming ONLINE and both VOLUMES 1 and VOLUME 2 are available for downloading to your personal device. GO HERE.