- Updated 09/17/24
I believe some are leaning to their own understanding and sitting on the fence, looking at the news feeds, relying on social media, etc. and not praying in the spirit and relying on the Holy Spirit and that's not wise in these last days.
My brethren, things will happen in a single day and no one knows the exact timing God will move but those that have prepared and listened to the voice of the LORD, purchasing precious metals, investing in cryptocurrency, stocking up on a few weeks worth of food and water, feeding your faith with God's word and staying prayed up, aka praying in the spirit much, those who prepared will prosper. Doing all of these you will prosper. However God knows everyone is not ready to do all of them but even doing 3 out of the 4 is good. Those that did nothing will be alright but will not prosper like they could have. When God speaks to you about something new and if we don't step out on that word, God will keep you. He promises to keep you but that's not God's best. He doesn't just want to keep you, he wants to prosper you more and more and more. We must be willing and obedient to eat the good of the land.
I remember about 3 years ago, The Holy Spirit told me concerning finances for the body of Christ and that is, "the lowest a child of God will be is debt free." - "But for those who HEED the word of the LORD and prepare will be made/empowered to be the lenders and will never need to borrow again." - "Those that step out and obey will be made the head and not the tail, those that step out on faith will be made above only and never again beneath."
In a way, everyone will be debt free once the switch (wealth transfer) takes place but the wealth transfer is for God's children who are in position (expecting) to receive and those that did not do that, then for them "the lowest a child of God will be is debt free" which is not bad, really it is somewhat good news but it's not great news.
God wants the very best for his children and I encourage you to step out in faith if you haven't yet. Do it everyday, EVEN NOW!
I (Darryl) would also like to add a truth that many haven't considered. I don't believe any human on earth has all the answers to what God's plans are, (knowing exactly what God's plans are in detail, second by second, day by day) having said that it is very wise to take things back to PRAYER concerning the future finances for America and worldwide. Only God knows what his perfect plans are and HE (God) shares fractions of the picture for a reason. It wouldn't be wise of God to say word by word what he plans are in detail to anyone.
For example, if you are a master at playing chess, would you tell the other person playing you, all of your moves before they would make their first move? Of course not, they would know your plans and know how to stop you or would at least attempt to. Well God is perfect and only reveals certain things to his children and not everything. He is the wisest and would never tell everything to one soul or even all of them.
I certainly don't have all the answers and I am glad I do not.
I wouldn't want to take that kind of test anyway, the pressure to pass such a test would be astronomically high.
1. The only way to please God is by faith. If God told us all of his plans, we wouldn't need to use faith.
2. This plan that God has is far greater and much deeper than we fully realize. Many are asleep and don't even know it.
3. God is a perfect master in life and his opponent, the enemy is not. There is no competition. God always wins in the end.
The things we see in the natural will change, suddenly, so we must be patient.
It's a flawless calculated plan of God and HE (God) is the perfect planner. Trusting him is required to succeed.
Now I must say it is beneficial listening and watching much insight on websites, YouTube, Rumble, Instagram, Telegram, etc., you will receive a lot of helpful information but I would dare say no one knows the whole plan, just pieces to a ginormous puzzle that it will take and God alone to put it all together. God will use certain key people he has appointed/chosen to unravel many hidden truths and even the military but ultimately it is all done after God's handy work is started.
We must remember that this country was founded upon biblical values.
The Constitution was created based on biblical values.
All righteous laws were first based on biblical values.
Everything points back to God if we truly desire to see Truth and Justice prevail, it all must start with God.
There are so many truths (that are about to come out) that we have never even fathomed.
So many of us have to wake up from the ocean of lies that we all have been fed since childhood and beyond.
I know, it sounds crazy but in time you will see that the conspiracy theories have some validity and truth to them.
God is the only one who can deliver us from the enemy and in some cases we have to know who the enemy is exactly.
Every victory we will experience as a nation (and worldwide) always points back to God.
Just know that God will do what is impossible to man and will make everything better than ever.
Is this a JUBILEE year? I believe so. Let's trust God and wait and see.
Is there going to be a wealth transfer? I believe it has already happened in the spirit then it will manifest in the natural in time.
Nothing happens in the natural world without it first happening in the spirit world. Every victory starts in the spiritual realm.
Have faith. If you take nothing from this page, HAVE FAITH IN GOD.
Talk to God more often. Believe God, trust him, put your faith in him. Jesus is the way.
Please enjoy reading and listening to these insightful videos.
God bless you all!
Please note: there has been price Manipulation in the markets for many, many years and will come to a halt or
at least it will seriously slow down in the near future.
Since the Petro dollar agreement ended on June 9, 2024, the US DOLLAR will have serious changes this year and beyond.
I believe some are leaning to their own understanding and sitting on the fence, looking at the news feeds, relying on social media, etc. and not praying in the spirit and relying on the Holy Spirit and that's not wise in these last days.
My brethren, things will happen in a single day and no one knows the exact timing God will move but those that have prepared and listened to the voice of the LORD, purchasing precious metals, investing in cryptocurrency, stocking up on a few weeks worth of food and water, feeding your faith with God's word and staying prayed up, aka praying in the spirit much, those who prepared will prosper. Doing all of these you will prosper. However God knows everyone is not ready to do all of them but even doing 3 out of the 4 is good. Those that did nothing will be alright but will not prosper like they could have. When God speaks to you about something new and if we don't step out on that word, God will keep you. He promises to keep you but that's not God's best. He doesn't just want to keep you, he wants to prosper you more and more and more. We must be willing and obedient to eat the good of the land.
I remember about 3 years ago, The Holy Spirit told me concerning finances for the body of Christ and that is, "the lowest a child of God will be is debt free." - "But for those who HEED the word of the LORD and prepare will be made/empowered to be the lenders and will never need to borrow again." - "Those that step out and obey will be made the head and not the tail, those that step out on faith will be made above only and never again beneath."
In a way, everyone will be debt free once the switch (wealth transfer) takes place but the wealth transfer is for God's children who are in position (expecting) to receive and those that did not do that, then for them "the lowest a child of God will be is debt free" which is not bad, really it is somewhat good news but it's not great news.
God wants the very best for his children and I encourage you to step out in faith if you haven't yet. Do it everyday, EVEN NOW!
I (Darryl) would also like to add a truth that many haven't considered. I don't believe any human on earth has all the answers to what God's plans are, (knowing exactly what God's plans are in detail, second by second, day by day) having said that it is very wise to take things back to PRAYER concerning the future finances for America and worldwide. Only God knows what his perfect plans are and HE (God) shares fractions of the picture for a reason. It wouldn't be wise of God to say word by word what he plans are in detail to anyone.
For example, if you are a master at playing chess, would you tell the other person playing you, all of your moves before they would make their first move? Of course not, they would know your plans and know how to stop you or would at least attempt to. Well God is perfect and only reveals certain things to his children and not everything. He is the wisest and would never tell everything to one soul or even all of them.
I certainly don't have all the answers and I am glad I do not.
I wouldn't want to take that kind of test anyway, the pressure to pass such a test would be astronomically high.
1. The only way to please God is by faith. If God told us all of his plans, we wouldn't need to use faith.
2. This plan that God has is far greater and much deeper than we fully realize. Many are asleep and don't even know it.
3. God is a perfect master in life and his opponent, the enemy is not. There is no competition. God always wins in the end.
The things we see in the natural will change, suddenly, so we must be patient.
It's a flawless calculated plan of God and HE (God) is the perfect planner. Trusting him is required to succeed.
Now I must say it is beneficial listening and watching much insight on websites, YouTube, Rumble, Instagram, Telegram, etc., you will receive a lot of helpful information but I would dare say no one knows the whole plan, just pieces to a ginormous puzzle that it will take and God alone to put it all together. God will use certain key people he has appointed/chosen to unravel many hidden truths and even the military but ultimately it is all done after God's handy work is started.
We must remember that this country was founded upon biblical values.
The Constitution was created based on biblical values.
All righteous laws were first based on biblical values.
Everything points back to God if we truly desire to see Truth and Justice prevail, it all must start with God.
There are so many truths (that are about to come out) that we have never even fathomed.
So many of us have to wake up from the ocean of lies that we all have been fed since childhood and beyond.
I know, it sounds crazy but in time you will see that the conspiracy theories have some validity and truth to them.
God is the only one who can deliver us from the enemy and in some cases we have to know who the enemy is exactly.
Every victory we will experience as a nation (and worldwide) always points back to God.
Just know that God will do what is impossible to man and will make everything better than ever.
Is this a JUBILEE year? I believe so. Let's trust God and wait and see.
Is there going to be a wealth transfer? I believe it has already happened in the spirit then it will manifest in the natural in time.
Nothing happens in the natural world without it first happening in the spirit world. Every victory starts in the spiritual realm.
Have faith. If you take nothing from this page, HAVE FAITH IN GOD.
Talk to God more often. Believe God, trust him, put your faith in him. Jesus is the way.
Please enjoy reading and listening to these insightful videos.
God bless you all!
Please note: there has been price Manipulation in the markets for many, many years and will come to a halt or
at least it will seriously slow down in the near future.
Since the Petro dollar agreement ended on June 9, 2024, the US DOLLAR will have serious changes this year and beyond.
🪙 Declaring Your Destiny
When you know you know...
Gold and Silver / God's money is best
Precious Metals / God's Money
Precious metals value are seriously undervalued and should be adjusted sometime in 2024.
- Deuteronomy 15:4 - Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it:
- 2 Corinthians 9:6 - But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
- 1 John 3:17 - But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
You might ask,
"Why should I be investing in
Precious Metals and Crypto?"
We know that Saudi Arabia has chosen not to renew a security agreement (the Petrodollar 🛢️💸) with the US, which has already expired June 9, 2024. This means Saudi Arabia can now sell oil and other goods in currencies like the RMB, Euros, Yen, Yuan, 💴💶💷 and more, instead of just the 💵 US dollar.
It will be a huge change because it challenges the dominance of the petrodollar system 🛢️💸, which has been in place since the US stopped tying its currency to gold in 1972.
President Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1971 which was supposed to be temporary.
By not renewing a security agreement (the Petrodollar 🛢️💸) with the US, this will speed up the process of moving away from the US petrodollar system. Many other countries (BRICS) who are heavily invested in precious metals, cryptocurrencies, green energy and such will cause these to skyrocket in value while the US will take a series of major haircuts within 1-5 years until it will eventually become worthless.
Analysts have said by or even before 2030, the US dollar to be worthless.
Even Elon Musk has warned the U.S. dollar will soon be worth "nothing" as "stealth money printing" pushes the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and cryptocurrencies higher.
XRP and XLM are linked to precious metals, which upgrade transaction abilities by leaps and bounds.
By knowing just this, one should take action. XRP and XLM should be in your portfolio.
I could be wrong but I believe the manipulation of markets should come to a halt or seriously slow down in 2024. Now it could be weeks or months from however whether I am wrong or not doesn't matter but clearly one must see that it is wise to diversify NOW. Therefore, by one being informed and not doing anything will reap the same results as one not being informed, trusting the failing Fiat dollar.
Diversification is everything.
Do your own research and most importantly pray about everything.
It will be a huge change because it challenges the dominance of the petrodollar system 🛢️💸, which has been in place since the US stopped tying its currency to gold in 1972.
President Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1971 which was supposed to be temporary.
By not renewing a security agreement (the Petrodollar 🛢️💸) with the US, this will speed up the process of moving away from the US petrodollar system. Many other countries (BRICS) who are heavily invested in precious metals, cryptocurrencies, green energy and such will cause these to skyrocket in value while the US will take a series of major haircuts within 1-5 years until it will eventually become worthless.
Analysts have said by or even before 2030, the US dollar to be worthless.
Even Elon Musk has warned the U.S. dollar will soon be worth "nothing" as "stealth money printing" pushes the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and cryptocurrencies higher.
XRP and XLM are linked to precious metals, which upgrade transaction abilities by leaps and bounds.
By knowing just this, one should take action. XRP and XLM should be in your portfolio.
I could be wrong but I believe the manipulation of markets should come to a halt or seriously slow down in 2024. Now it could be weeks or months from however whether I am wrong or not doesn't matter but clearly one must see that it is wise to diversify NOW. Therefore, by one being informed and not doing anything will reap the same results as one not being informed, trusting the failing Fiat dollar.
Diversification is everything.
Do your own research and most importantly pray about everything.
It's time to take action investing in crypto, silver and gold!
The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty.
Haggai 2:8
Haggai 2:8
part 1
Must watch! ONLY on RUMBLE — Listen as Steve Shultz interviews Dr. Scott Young for a special broadcast of
"Prophets and Patriots.” Dr. Scott teaches an introduction to the National Economic Security and
Recovery Act (NESARA), the Quantum Financial System (QFS),
bringing 🇺🇲 America 🇺🇲 back to the 🪙gold🪙 standard, and more!
You can follow Dr. Scott Young on https://drscottyoung.com/ and https://t.me/DrScottNESARA
"Prophets and Patriots.” Dr. Scott teaches an introduction to the National Economic Security and
Recovery Act (NESARA), the Quantum Financial System (QFS),
bringing 🇺🇲 America 🇺🇲 back to the 🪙gold🪙 standard, and more!
You can follow Dr. Scott Young on https://drscottyoung.com/ and https://t.me/DrScottNESARA
part 2
On RUMBLE ONLY — as Steve Shultz interviews Dr. Scott Young for a special broadcast of "Prophets and Patriots.” Dr. Scott continues his teaching on the National Economic Security and Reformation Act 🪙 (NESARA), the Quantum Financial System (QFS), and answers many of our viewers questions.
You can follow Dr. Scott Young on https://drscottyoung.com/ and https://t.me/DrScottNESARA
You can follow Dr. Scott Young on https://drscottyoung.com/ and https://t.me/DrScottNESARA
Below I explain what I am doing about crypto, silver, stock markets...etc.
UPDATED 2/21/24 I was excited about the stocks and what could happen however after prayer and clear warnings of what is about to happen, I have pulled out from the stock market for the moment and I have invested in silver and certain cryptos which I (Darryl Crawford) will list below.
This is not financial advice. | However in the distant future I will for sure reinvest in a few stocks after the great collapse.
HINT: I would certainly pray about everything before investing in anything.
God knows what will survive the massive shift and thrive in the near to distant future. God will tell some people another word/idea to invest in because they are anointed to thrive in that arena. Not everyone will thrive in every arena. Stay in your lane, meaning whatever God has told you to invest in, do it and don't spread yourself into every crypto/idea/stock/opportunity out there unless God said it is good for you.
For instance, I was once excited about charging stations (CHPT) for electric cars thinking that this will be a certain win/win for investors however after realizing the batteries for all electric cars are partially made of silver and knowing that the price of silver will skyrocket in value, electric cars will be a thing of the past since the price of the battery in time will actually cost around the same price of the car.
I didn't see this coming in 2020 nor in 2021 but with careful rethinking and being led by God to pull out, we can't go wrong when we obey God.
So investing in charging stations (CHPT) will be a good investment for some time (and for a brief time it will be). Ultimately we will soon be charging our homes, cars and such using the energy from the earth which will be free energy.
Research Nikola Tesla and his work online. Much of his work will be useful.
So investing on charging stations will be profitable for a few seasons, after that time frame I believe everyone will choose free energy over paid energy. So if God leads you to invest in charging stations (CHPT) do it!
It's dirt cheap now but it will be extremely high in value in the near future for a time.
I (Darryl Crawford) am personally excited about investing in these crypto |
Again I am investing more in crypto than stocks at this time. Reason: most of these cryptos will be solving major problems.
For instance, there is a difference with Ripple technology (XRP) rather than SWIFT technology.
Many ask why is Ripple (XRP) better than SWIFT?
Ripple is much, much better than SWIFT because it's simply a far more efficient payment network. People using the Ripple network (XRP) can send funds anywhere in the world within 5 -10 seconds (or less) and immediately verify that their payment has been received. Moreover, the transaction fee is fixed at just $0.0002 (a small fraction of a penny), regardless of the transaction amount.
Ripple (owned by Ripple Labs) was founded in 2012. It is the majority holder of the XRP cryptocurrency that runs on the XRP Ledger public Blockchain and uses that to facilitate international payments.
SWIFT on the other hand (which stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) was founded in 1973 (older technology, like dial-up speed concerning the internet) and became operational in 1977. It is a vast information messaging network that allows banks and other financial institutions around the world to send money to each other (within a 24 hour period or a few days depending on the country) by using code.
Ripple (XRP) solves this wonderful problem by empowering banks and financial businesses to send funds by using superior coding (peer to peer technology/highly advance programming without any chance of fraud) within several seconds worldwide at an extremely low price of $0.0002, regardless of the amount of the transaction. SWIFT (not so swift compared to RIPPLE) would indeed cost far, far more and would take far, far longer to reach its destination worldwide.
Enough said. I believe that should give one more clarity why RIPPLE (XRP) is far, far superior to SWIFT in just these few upgrades.
CRYPTOS in BOLD and underlined solves issues concerning transactions.
I (Darryl Crawford) am personally excited about investing in these crypto
UPDATED 2/21/24 - Ticker Symbols for Crypto:
BTC (fractional), SHIB, LUNA, LTC, ETH, XLM, XRP, ALGO, BNB, ETH, DOT & EOS. - Be sure to CLICK HERE to learn more about these cryptocurrency's different purposes on this YouTube playlist.
Definition of flash crash: A flash crash is a very rapid, deep, and volatile fall in security prices occurring within a very short time period followed by a quick recovery. No one knows when it will happen but it will happen. Whether it goes extremely high then there will be a flash crash or it will rise a little and then a sudden flash crash.
Create multiple buy limit and sell limit orders for those above cryptocurrency.
By using these platforms ~ Coinbase and Kraken they are stable for creating buy limit and sell limit orders! Some exchange platforms that others may have suggested (like FTX, Cryptopia, Bitfinex and BlockFi to name a few) which are either no longer operational or are under investigation which makes it quite a challenge if not impossible to create buy limit and sell limit orders on certain exchange platforms.
I was led to use Coinbase and Kraken.
You can use your own judgement.
HUGE NEWS!!! Bitcoin will flash crash to zero! FLASH CRASH!
So that means all those above coins will go to zero and far below zero.
PLEASE NOTE: as the USA dollar tanks value (ongoing) the precious metals and certain cryptos will sky rocket but there still will be a flash crash, so it's best to have both buy limit and sell limits orders in place for whatever happens.No one knows whether it will go up first or down. No one knows God checkmate plan of how things will play out. Only God knows exactly what and when will happen.
Investing in cryptos is very wise since the signs are clearly saying the dollar will fall. And when it falls it will change our way of life totally worldwide.
Create buy limit orders to buy BTC for 1 cent, 2 cents, 3 cents, 1 dollar - etc.
Create buy limit orders to buy SHIB for 0.00000001, 0.00000002, 0.00000003, 0.00000004.... 0.00000010 - etc.
Create buy limit orders to buy ETH for 1 cent, 2 cents, 3 cents, 1 dollar - etc.
Create buy limit orders to buy XLM for 0.000001, 0.000002, 0.000003, 0.000004 - etc.
Create buy limit orders to buy ALGO for 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0003, 0.0004 - etc.
Create sell limit orders for SHIB for 0.0001, 0.0002 and 0.01, 0.02, 0.03 and 0.10, 0.20, $1, $1.95, $3, $5, $8, $12 etc.
HINT: in order for you to have sell limit orders you must already own that cryptocurrency (SHIB INU, XLM, XRP, BTC, etc.).
PLEASE NOTE: Sell in lower amounts in the amounts starting at around 120,000 and higher amounts! No more than 3,000,000!
Creating multiple sell limit orders is critical for your success!
Think big but also think small. Think like a king's kid.
Don't just think billionaires and millionaires are buying from you but also the average Joe or multiple average persons.
REMEMBER: In the bible there were only the rich and the poor.
This is what will happen. What was, will be again. Either you are in a position for wealth or poverty. The middle class will be no more. Hyperinflation will make sure of that and for a season or two it will be extremely expensive for the average person.
Prepare for wealth transfer and a record breaking flash crash!
Stop doubting and prepare now.
By choosing to do nothing will be a great mistake.
The wealth transfer has already happened in the spirit and will happen soon in the natural world! After it is evident, it will be happening so fast it will be unreachable to the average person and they will become poor overnight.
Those that have prepared for this wealth transfer will be blessed and be rich overnight and by using God's wisdom through the Holy Spirit will be wealthy over time. Are you a Joseph in the making? This is not a light position!
Joseph's are extremely important to prepare for the famine which will come.
This kind of shift / wealth transfer has NEVER, ever happened before and it will happen very soon!
How do you get into position?
Submit yourself to God and ask him what is his next move just for you.
Create multiple buy limit and many sell limit orders RIGHT NOW!
Why the buy limit/sell limit orders?
I sense in the spirit that people are asking why?
The answer ~ Things will happen faster than we can react at hours we are normally asleep and algorithms may glitch / freeze / and things will be halted in real time so by being prepared is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
Buying gold, BUYING lots of *SILVER* and owning land is always good to do. Ask God for wisdom in all you do.
UPDATED 2/21/24: At one time (since 2020) I said I will always keep some (not a lot) but some crypto in the market however looking over the last year and how things are going, it would be wiser to keep MOST of your crypto and not cash in to put in the bank. The banking system will be changing in a major way, in short the banking system will collapse.
It's important to have complete control over your money. This is why I personally suggest purchasing the Nano Ledger X to keep your cryptos on a trusted blockchain - AFTER your buy limit and sell limit orders have gone through.
PLEASE NOTE: ONLY purchase your Nano Ledger device from the source of that product, not from another website.
Meaning do not buy a crypto device from Amazon.
There are evil people (hackers) who like to sell a ledger device which they have already purchased and hacked to sell these devices to would be buyers (on websites like Amazon) which in turn they will have access to your cryptocurrencies and will be able to steal them all without your knowledge.
🚨 PLEASE: Again purchase your ledger device from HERE or type in your browser www.ledger.com
VERY IMPORTANT - Do yourself a favor and seriously and quickly do some research and know how to keep your investments safe and secure on the Nano Ledger X. Or CLICK HERE for a video teaching on that.
It's important to be patient and discerning! It's time to be your own bank by owning your own Nano Ledger X! Also keep your private information to yourself. Don't tell people what you are doing. Don't tell anyone how much wealth you have. It's personal and God is expecting you to steward his wealth in secret. Sometimes the enemy will have people in our lives that will try to delay us or try to talk us out of doing this. Don't delay! Please don't delay!
When the dollar goes down (steadily) the crypto market will go up VERY QUICKLY!
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN I say WHEN yes I am saying it will crash very, very bad!
WHEN - the dollar crashes (falls way below record history), crypto will skyrocket very, very high!
How will the BRICS nations impact the U.S. Dollar? CLICK HERE!
HINT: Invest in crypto, also invest in silver and gold NOW!
Silver will also skyrocket in value because of it's secret precious usage that will be heavily needed in the near future. Precious metals will be needed for farming, medicine, industrial companies and much more. Investing now is very important.
NOTE: There will be a time in the very near future that the price of precious metals will be unreachable to the average person and only God's children who he has appointed to obtain this wealth will be able to purchase them.
DCA- Dollar cost averaging, set a price you can afford to invest in crypto and silver, each paycheck.
Start investing now and by being consistent this is your best strategy. Don't invest and go all in, invest little by little, be consistent.
Invest small every pay period but invest consistently.
That means every single time. It's very, VERY important.
By listening to what they share, they could be helping you to make quality choices concerning what to invest in...however always pray about everything before you invest.
So with that said, let's pray about it and then let's get into it ... shall we?
PLEASE NOTE: If the videos are removed it's because either it was taken down by YouTube or by the owner. In either case we will replace the video with another helpful video worthy of your time.
Prophetic Word:
The Great Increase:
A Season of Faithful and Growth
| Don't Deny Me Now- Part 1💥
DEATH ANGEL has been RELEASED in the Earth
- XRP, Bitcoin, Gold, Silver!!
💥BO POLNY, 💥Noah Christopher
🔗Bo Polny's website LINK: https://www.Gold2020Forecast.com
🪙Beverly Hills Precious Metals website LINK: https://bh-pm.com/
🪙Beverly Hills Precious Metals website LINK: https://bh-pm.com/
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Coincards has been active since 2014 and has served thousands of users by
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THE TEST OF SUCCESS / USD$31 million Story /
🎯The BIBLICAL meaning of the BULL
- 🔑MyKingYeshua
Brethren be sure to check out and support The Goshen Foundation HERE
About this webpage...
- 2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
- Proverbs 22:7 - The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
The True Fundamental Value Of Gold and Silver
MoreWays2MakeMoney.com is a business ministry website, which points Christian entrepreneurs/business minded people to multiple sources of ways to make money work for you so you will not have to work for money your whole life.
It's true, money should be working for you!
And real money is precious metals.
The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty.
Haggai 2:8
As you may have learned,
Hyperinflation can be caused by an oversupply of paper currency without a corresponding rise in the production of goods and services.
Some people believe the United States of America is headed towards a hyperinflation due to past and possible future government stimulus behavior, in addition to sending billions of dollars outside the United States, while the homeless numbers climb and the national debt steadily climbs. It kind of looks deliberate. You be the judge.
More money has been printed in 2020 and 2021 than the entire history of the United States of America.
Basically with hyperinflation, something that cost $1 or $5 today might cost $10 or $20 within a short time. For most people, that would be such a drastic change it would cause sudden poverty within days or weeks.
One way to protect your money is to invest in things that are going to be of great value in the future.
One way to safeguard your finances and your future of your family is to purchase pure silver bars or silver coins. Also investing in cryptocurrency.
It's 2024 and it's time to make the very best choices with your money this year and beyond.
By praying in the spirit much, doing your own research, you will be making wise choices and also making wise investments that can and will change your life and your children's children lives.
Please note: none of the men and women in these videos are financial advisors therefore please pray to God about your next course of action then do your own research (being led by God of course) concerning what YOU should invest in. However these gracious people are allowing you to know what stocks and crypto's they are excited about and are investing in.
Also God does speak through his children/prophets to share wisdom, warnings, insights that are hidden and it is wise to use discernment to ask God (personally) for confirmation concerning your next course of action that you need to take, asap.
Kim Clement Prophecy -
XRP Spoken About Years Ago
💥Manuel Johnson, 💥Bo Polny, 💥Noah Christopher
CLICK the PIC below to securely invest in crypto like
🏦🪙Bitcoin, Shiba Inu, XRP, XLM 🏦🪙
and many more through Kraken!
As a child of God (and our God owning everything in existence) we should thrive after we know who we are. If we are not, we need to pray in the spirit much and ask God for wisdom and what assignment he wants us to complete.
Remember God is doing the wealth transfer not man so only he (God)
knows what we should do with it.
Just a side note, cryptocurrency is a wise investment today because crypto is the future.
It's an honest ledger. After (not if but WHEN) banks fail us - gold, silver and crypto are the best avenues to multiply your hard earned money.
Cryptocurrency will be needed for long distance purchases online.
Click the above PIC to trade with Kraken.
By investing now you are securing your future today!
Remember God is doing the wealth transfer not man so only he (God)
knows what we should do with it.
Just a side note, cryptocurrency is a wise investment today because crypto is the future.
It's an honest ledger. After (not if but WHEN) banks fail us - gold, silver and crypto are the best avenues to multiply your hard earned money.
Cryptocurrency will be needed for long distance purchases online.
Click the above PIC to trade with Kraken.
By investing now you are securing your future today!
💦 Drinking Hydrogen Alkaline Water
has tremendous benefits! 💦
🚨Trump's Crypto Revelation Unlocks Keys
to Unimaginable #Wealth and #Opportunity⚖️
Soak & Sleep
in God's Blessing & Prosperity
| Scriptures for Finances
| Money Affirmations
| Jesus 🛌💤
💥 God Says,💥
"Repent For Wealth Transfer Idolatry"
#theloveofmoney #repent #Jesus
Be NOT Deceived; God is NOT Mocked!
Satan wants Cryptocurrency prophecy -
Robin D. Bullock 12|20|22
Morgues Filled... ANGEL of DEATH?!
🚨Amanda Grace, 🚨Bo Polny, 🚨Nino
🔗Bo Polny's website LINK: https://www.Gold2020Forecast.com
🪙Beverly Hills Precious Metals website LINK: https://bh-pm.com/
🪙Beverly Hills Precious Metals website LINK: https://bh-pm.com/
🚨Wealth Transfer #PropheticWord
and Financial Collapse
|Warning on Exiting to Wallets|Nephilims
💥 Now Daily Bread
The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty.
Haggai 2:8
Haggai 2:8
🚨Japan the phoenix🚨
🔑- MyKingYeshua
#shibainu #SHIB
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